Interactive Data Analysis
Easily create interactive plots with rcloud.dcplot; based on the dc.js Javascript library which leverages
New Graphics Capabilities.
Additional native visualization capabilities, including plot interaction, resizing and multiple format storage.
Easy Map Integration
For rich, interactive location analytics, take advantage of HTML Leaflet Widget.
RCloud Designer (RCAP)
Create interactive charts and dashboards using drag and drop widgets through RCloud's Analytic Platform (RCAP).
Intelligent Dashboarding
Use RCloud's unique flexible notebook.R interface as the building block for any complex big data visualization.
Prompt and Markdown Cells
Create publishable quality reports and data analyses that may be shared with others.
Accessing Data
Built in functionality to load and access data and packages.
Python Example
Simple example of Python code.
Load .rda Files
Upload .rda files using the RCloud "File Upload" UI and then access the file using RCloud API.
Reading an R Script
Read an R script and create and manipulate an RCloud asset.
Basic Statistics
User created notebook of basic statistical methods.
Credit Card Loss
RCloud for Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review (CCAR) modeling and documentation.
PSI Simulation Model
Stochastic simulation commonly used in disease forecasting.
Using JavaScript Packages
Sample analysis using the popular mtcars dataset progressing from basic R functions to interactive charts with wdcplot.
NYC Taxi Rides Analysis
Maps NYC taxi rides using iotools for fast file processing.
RCloud notebook.R
Get started in creating webpages using notebook.R views and HTML.
RCloud shiny.html
Text analysis in the cloud combining RCloud API with Shiny API.
JavaScript Integration
Combine RCloud API, Shiny API and NV JavaScript library to create interactive analyses.
RCloud mini.html
Work with RCloud mini.html to create web pages with custom layouts interactive content.
RCAP rcap.html
Use simple widgets in the RCAP Designer to create complex dashboards with multiple pages.
RCloud API and User Functions
Use RCloud API and user defined functions to read a binary asset.
Call JavaScript from R
Create a Progress Bar by calling JavaScript from R.
Call R from JavaScript
Use a Button to call R from JavaScript to add and multiply.
Interactive Plots
Draw a map with some basic features, including specifying zoom level, centering and adding points using Leaflet.
DataTables displays R matrices or data frames as interactive HTML tables that support filtering, pagination, and sorting.
visNetwork provides an interface to the network visualization capabilties of the vis.js library.
MetricsGraphics enables easy creation of D3 scatterplots, line charts, and histograms.
R Bokeh
Bokeh is a visualization library that provides a flexible and powerful declarative framework for creating web-based plots.
D3 Heatmap
Interactive heatmaps with D3 including support for row/column highlighting and zooming.